Despite being a part of the same country, each American state has its own laws depending on where it's located, and who is in charge. Just as lifestyle factors differ, so do the rules in which citizens of each state must abide by.
According to a list compiled by Wallet Hub, the worst run city in all of California is San Francisco. This city ranks as the 149th best run city in America and the very last on the list.Two other California cities towards the end of the list include Oakland and Riverside.
Here is what Wallet Hub had to say about compiling the data to discover the best and worst run cities in the entire country:
"In order to determine the best- and worst-run cities in America, WalletHub compared 149 of the most populated cities across six key categories: 1) Financial Stability, 2) Education, 3) Health, 4) Safety, 5) Economy and 6) Infrastructure & Pollution. We evaluated those dimensions using 36 relevant metrics, which are listed below with their corresponding weights. Each metric was graded on a 100-point scale, with a score of 100 representing the highest quality of service. Next, we calculated an overall “Quality of City Services” score for each city based on its weighted average across all the metrics. Finally, for each city, we divided the “Quality of City Services” score by the “Total Budget per Capita” (dollar amount) in order to construct a “Score per Dollar Spent” index — displayed as “Overall Rank” in the Main Findings table above — which we then used to rank-order the cities in our sample.
For a continued list of the best and worst run cities in America visit